Apr 8, 2013

Little grey box

  One of the really great things about my house isn't the house itself. It’s my neighbor Shirley. She has lived in her house next door for sixty years and was very close friends with the original owners of my house. I’ve only had the pleasure of talking to her a few times, but each one has been filled with insight into the life and times of my house and the people who built it.

  Recently she stopped me to ask why I didn't use the heated gutters during the last snowfall... When I stared blankly back at her she just laughed and said ”Somewhere on your back porch is a little grey box with a switch. Paul (the original owner) installed it himself. I told him he should have labeled it.”

   Thusly, I’m officially adding “electrically heated gutters” to the growing list of reasons why I can call this place The Home of Tomorrow. A tiny part of me hopes for one more snow just so I can use them.



  1. You've got some really cool stuff here. My house is somewhat the same - lots of random electical gadgets. I had the benefit of knowing most of them since it was my grandparents place. But still a whole lot of fun!

    1. Do you blog or anything? I'd love to see pictures of your place and its weird and wonderful gadgets.

  2. Hi Robert,
    I found your blog b/c of the post about Sidney Street Sales. I have a quick question about them as I plan to go to the sale in the morning. Could you email me back at happygovintage@gmail.com?! (couldn't find your email on here). thanks so much! -another crazy vintage furniture fan, Stacey :)

  3. Heated gutters?!?! Woah, that is seriously cool, or should I say hot? Can you post more about them, ie how they work? My parents have a house very similar to yours in upper Michigan and this would be fabulous for them.

    1. Once it snows again I will absolutly take pictures and go into more detail. They are pretty simple honestly. Just a wire inside the gutter covers the warms the cover so snow melts. Still available and easy to find with a google search. Personally, I never knew such a thing existed before finding out my house had them.
